biodiesel purification system


In the production of biodiesel by transesterification of vegetable oils, purification with international standards is difficult, a real challenge.

We are all aware that the key measure of biodiesel quality is the level of free glycerol.

Impurities such as total glycerol (total glycerol is the sum of free glycerol and bound glycerol as mono-, di-, and triglycerides), water (moisture), free fatty acids (limiting the acidity number), and residual alcohol (limiting the flash point), must be limited in biodiesel, because their presence can lead to degradation during storage and significant operational problems, such as deposits in the engine.

Tecn.A. designs and produces plants that use ion exchange resins to eliminate polluting components. This particular technology allows to exploit to the maximum the exchange capacity of the resins and to optimize the consumption of methanol, thus reducing the operating costs of the system.

Tecn.A. systems for biodiesel purification are completely automatic and remotely controlled, so they do not require the continuous assistance of an operator.

Tecn.a. Torino logo - Wastewater Treatment Systems


TECN.A. srl
Strada Antica di None n.2 int. D1
10092 Beinasco (TO) - ITALY

(+39 011) 39.89.491
(+39 011) 39.72.579

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