Ultrapure Water systems


ULTRAPURE WATER is a water with a high purity value, mainly used in the semi-conductor industry, in cogeneration plants, in the pharmaceutical industry and in all applications where a very high degree of demineralisation is required.

For the production of ULTRAPURE WATER, Tecn.A. creates complete systems consisting of:

  • Pre-filtration system (sand and cartridge filtration or ultrafiltration)
  • Primary reverse osmosis system
  • Second step reverse osmosis system, i.e. for further demineralisation of the permeate produced by the first osmosis system (conductivity < 1 µS).
  • ELECTRODEIONISATION SYSTEM (EDI), made with modules containing ion exchange resins inserted in special cells with compartments separated by semi-permeable cationic and anionic membranes, continuously regenerated by the passage of electrical current. The water produced is an ultrapure water with a conductivity of less than 0.1 µS/cm.
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TECN.A. srl
Strada Antica di None n.2 int. D1
10092 Beinasco (TO) - ITALY

(+39 011) 39.89.491
(+39 011) 39.72.579

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